Mandarin Tutors
First Tutors’ tutor search helps you find quality Mandarin tutors across New Zealand.
Meet some of our Mandarin Tutors
Levels We Offer For Mandarin Tuition: Primary Mandarin, Secondary Mandarin, NCEA Level 1 Mandarin, NCEA Levels 2-3 Mandarin, University Mandarin, Adult/Casual Mandarin
Abbey's feedback about Sze Xuen (Primary Mandarin tuition near Winton)
She is so kind and patient, and always makes sure we understand! An amazing teacher.
Shin Yee's feedback about Selena (Secondary Mandarin tuition near Whitford)
Selena is an excellent tutor and im learning effectively from her lessons. Highly recommend A+
Melissa's feedback about Selena (Primary Mandarin tuition near Howick)
Selena is a very reliable and prompt tutor. My 7 year old daughter enjoys being taught by her.
Daniel's feedback about Laura (Adult/Casual Mandarin tuition near Howick)
Laura is very intelligible, and a great teacher. I would highly recommend! Her teaching style is highly intuitive.
Brooke's feedback about Sze Xuen (Adult/Casual Mandarin tuition near North Shore)
Highly recommend!, very patient, understanding & always on time and prepared. AA+
Charmaine's feedback about Selena (Primary Mandarin tuition near Auckland)
Selena is committed to my children's learning. She is punctual and always open to their learning needs. She adapts the lessons to suit their needs and makes the lessons interesting. She always thinks of new ways to make the lessons interesting so that the children keep their interest on.
Toshinobu's feedback about Evangeline (Adult/Casual Mandarin tuition near Albany)
She is very nice &kind teacher. Her teaching style is very good.
Annette's feedback about Ning (NCEA Level 1 Mandarin tuition near Auckland)
Davella is a wonderful tutor and patient. She is creative in using different tools to teach Mandarin.
Yusuke's feedback about Sisi (Primary Mandarin tuition near Auckland)
she is good tutor. i feel kindly for teaching.
Peter's feedback about Ren Monn (Primary Mandarin tuition near Wellington)
Fantastic tutor. Very thorough and helpful.
Why choose First Tutors: NZ for your Mandarin tutor search in New Zealand?
This is the only place to meet the finest private Mandarin tutor for your needs. We have extensive student reviews on each tutor to help you narrow your online Mandarin teacher search. There are no hidden fees because we provide the tutor charges up front. Mandarin can be a hard subject, and working with an expert Mandarin tutor can really help you fulfill your education goal(s). First Tutors: NZ is here to make it simple for you!
Become a Mandarin instructor in New Zealand!
Join First Tutors: NZ if you are an online teacher wishing to offer your online Mandarin classes, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors: NZ or find out more about us here. An Mandarininstructor can make a positive impact in tutee's life!