Advanced C# Instructors
Looking for Advanced C# Teachers? First Tutors: I.T. helps you to find the best private Advanced C# tutor in your area.
Meet some of our Advanced C# Trainers
David's feedback about Muhammad Shamim (Advanced Languages: C# tuition near Wetherby)
We needed Muhammad to look over and correct a University project and suggest some improvements and how to achieve them. He looked over the electronic files and did the above diligently and quickly as we were in a hurry to meet deadlines. He did it really well and taught us how to sort it out. This is the sort of person you want as a tutor - so very highly recommended. David
Andrea's feedback about Sunil (Advanced Languages: C# tuition near Twickenham)
Very good tutor. Very good knowledge of C#. Patient, very good in explaining how C# works.
Jamil's feedback about Olu (Advanced Languages: C# tuition near City of London)
Olu is an excellent tutor !! he is honest, committed and very knowledgeable. his teaching is very good. I am very happy with him.
Niresh's feedback about Syed (Advanced Languages: C# tuition near West Drayton)
Syed (Adnan) is a kind and an excellent tutor. He is a very passionate programmer and always informs me of some of the latest technologies been used. He has always shown and recommended me the best practice approach when writing code. He has helped me a lot with my projects and has helped me grow confidence in designing my own project myself. Whenever he teaches me a new concept, he always gives me an example of where he would implement himself which is always useful as it is harder to apply than to learn a concept in my opinion. He spends time to go through code step by step and never bites to ask the same question several times when you don't understand something. He is really committed, and he always invests his own time to prepare some example code prior to lesson. Thanks to Syed he has helped me grow confidence in my own implementation. Thank you for everything.
Crispin's feedback about Olu (Advanced Languages: C# tuition near Erith)
I believe I made the right choice in choosing Olu to be my tutor. He offers and delivers nothing short of an excellent service. He's was always prompt to our meetings and remained professional at all times. If you're looking for someone who can coach you, someone who is polite and down to earth, someone who has patience to explain things to you, no matter how many times you say you you don't understands a topic, look no further. I for one am grateful for all that I've leant from him. Once again, I thank you.
Carol's feedback about Vanessa (Advanced Languages: C# tuition near Selby)
Vanessa is a great tutor! She has excellent communication skills and always keeps me informed of the progress of my son. I definitely recommend her services to anyone who needs a tutor. The service she provides is first class. She is so helpful and always replies promptly to any messages or queries.
Cynthia's feedback about Himanshu (Advanced Languages: C# tuition near Bristol)
My son had the first lesson with Mr.H and found him helpful. However it is the first time, they are having another lesson next week and try to make it weekly. So far so good. Thank you First Tutors. Cynthia
Joseph's feedback about Yogesh (Advanced Languages: C# tuition near Nottingham)
Yogesh is trustful, punctual and reliable, I will never hesitate to call him again if needed and recommend him to any student who needs support and further explanation in C#,
Lowest Price Advanced C# Tutors
Joined: 05/02/2025 | Av. Price: £17.50 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: ASP/.NET, Theory: AI, Graphics: CorelDraw, Languages: C, Languages: C++, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: Python, Databasing: MSSQL
Masters: Digital Marketing (2023)Leon
Joined: 19/07/2014 | Av. Price: £20.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: PHP, Web: JavaScript, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: Python, Databasing: MySQL
Bachelors: Information Systems (2004)Muhammad
Joined: 15/08/2010 | Av. Price: £20.00 p.h.
Web: PHP, Languages: C, Languages: C++, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: Python, Databasing: Oracle, Databasing: MySQL, Skills: Ms Office, Languages: SCALA
Professional: Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) 10g, Oracle Certified Professional (Application Developer Rel 2.0) (OCP), Oracle Certified Professional (Internet Application Developer Rel 6/6i) (OCP) (2000)
Fastest Responding Advanced C# Tutors
Joined: 17/01/2013 | Av. Price: £70.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: PHP, Web: JavaScript, Theory: AI, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: Python, Mobile, Databasing: MySQL, CMS: Wordpress
Bachelors: BEng. Computer Engineering (2010)Andrew
Joined: 20/01/2020 | Av. Price: £56.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: JavaScript, Languages: C, Languages: C++, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: VB, Languages: Python, Databasing: MySQL, Languages: Assembly
College: BTEC Computer Studies (1997)Leon
Joined: 19/07/2014 | Av. Price: £20.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: PHP, Web: JavaScript, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: Python, Databasing: MySQL
Bachelors: Information Systems (2004)
Highest Rated Advanced C# Tutors
Joined: 19/07/2014 | Av. Price: £20.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: PHP, Web: JavaScript, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: Python, Databasing: MySQL
Bachelors: Information Systems (2004)Andrew
Joined: 20/01/2020 | Av. Price: £56.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: JavaScript, Languages: C, Languages: C++, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: VB, Languages: Python, Databasing: MySQL, Languages: Assembly
College: BTEC Computer Studies (1997)Chris
Joined: 21/06/2019 | Av. Price: £40.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: ASP/.NET, Systems: Windows, Languages: C#, Languages: VB, Databasing: MSSQL, Theory: Information Systems
Masters: M.Sc. Applied Computing Technology (Computer Graphics). (1990)
Newest Advanced C# Tutors
Joined: 05/02/2025 | Av. Price: £17.50 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: ASP/.NET, Theory: AI, Graphics: CorelDraw, Languages: C, Languages: C++, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: Python, Databasing: MSSQL
Masters: Digital Marketing (2023)Max
Joined: 09/08/2024 | Av. Price: £20.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Systems: Windows, Systems: Linux, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: Python, Databasing: MSSQL, Databasing: Other, Security: Data / Information
Bachelors: Computer Science BSc (Hons.), First Class (2017)Boma
Joined: 06/06/2023 | Av. Price: £43.33 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Languages: C#, Languages: VB
Bachelors: BTECH (2010)
Featured Advanced C# Tutors
Joined: 19/07/2014 | Av. Price: £20.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: PHP, Web: JavaScript, Languages: C#, Languages: Java, Languages: Python, Databasing: MySQL
Bachelors: Information Systems (2004)Muhammad
Joined: 30/03/2023 | Av. Price: £60.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Web: JavaScript, Web: ASP/.NET, Languages: C#, Databasing: MSSQL
Masters: Master in Computer Science (2003)Olumide Emmanuel
Joined: 21/11/2022 | Av. Price: £25.00 p.h.
Web: HTML/CSS, Theory: UAT, Languages: C#, CMS: Wordpress, CMS: Joomla, Skills: Internet/Email
Bachelors: BSc (2011)
Why Tutor Search?
This is the only place to find the most proficient home Advanced C# tutor for your needs. Each teacher is required to go thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive pupil reviews on each instructor to help you narrow your online Advanced C# teacher search. We provide tutor rates up front, so there are no hidden fees. Advanced C# can be a hard subject, and working with an expert C# tutor can really speed up your progress!
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