Art Tutors
First Tutors’ tutor search helps you to find the very best private, 1 on 1 Art tuition across South Africa.
Meet some of our Art Tutors
Levels We Offer For Art Tuition: Primary Art, High School Art, Exam Prep Art, University Art, Adult Art
Lowest Price Art Tutors
Joined: 06/02/2017 | Av. Price: R 120.00 p.h.
Maths, Art, Biology, Geography
Bachelors: 2nd year psychology (2016)Amanda
Joined: 16/10/2019 | Av. Price: R 150.00 p.h.
English, Art, Computer Skills, Afrikaans
College: Pastel Accounting (2003)Corneli
Joined: 29/01/2024 | Av. Price: R 150.00 p.h.
English, Art
Masters: MA in Art History (2015)
Fastest Responding Art Tutors
Joined: 13/02/2021 | Av. Price: R 260.00 p.h.
Art, Study Skills / Essay Writing, Afrikaans, Art History
Masters: MA in Creative Writing (Afrikaans Literature: Poetry) (2014)Natasha
Joined: 31/01/2018 | Av. Price: R 400.00 p.h.
Art, ESL
Bachelors: Not finished (1989)Amanda
Joined: 16/10/2019 | Av. Price: R 150.00 p.h.
English, Art, Computer Skills, Afrikaans
College: Pastel Accounting (2003)
Highest Rated Art Tutors
Joined: 13/02/2021 | Av. Price: R 260.00 p.h.
Art, Study Skills / Essay Writing, Afrikaans, Art History
Masters: MA in Creative Writing (Afrikaans Literature: Poetry) (2014)Natasha
Joined: 31/01/2018 | Av. Price: R 400.00 p.h.
Art, ESL
Bachelors: Not finished (1989)Stephanie
Joined: 06/02/2017 | Av. Price: R 120.00 p.h.
Maths, Art, Biology, Geography
Bachelors: 2nd year psychology (2016)
Newest Art Tutors
Featured Art Tutors
Joined: 16/10/2019 | Av. Price: R 150.00 p.h.
English, Art, Computer Skills, Afrikaans
College: Pastel Accounting (2003)Zelda
Joined: 13/08/2022 | Av. Price: R 200.00 p.h.
English, Art, Economics, Geography, History, Social Science, Study Skills / Essay Writing, Literacy
School: Matric with Merit (2004)Natasha
Joined: 31/01/2018 | Av. Price: R 400.00 p.h.
Art, ESL
Bachelors: Not finished (1989)
Why choose First Tutors: South Africa for your Art tutor search South Africa?
This is the only place where just one search will find the most recommended Art tutor for your personal needs, ordered by their rates and distance from you. Art can be an extremely challenging subject , but private Art lessons can really help your learning!
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