University Accounting Teachers
Looking for University Accounting Teachers? First Tutors: NZ helps you to find the most recommended private University Accounting tutor in your area.
Meet some of our University Accounting Tutors
Matthew's feedback about Frank (University Accounting tuition near Orewa)
Explained the content well and in a way that I could easily understand.
Cameron's feedback about Thiru (University Accounting tuition near Dunedin)
Great tutor. Can explain concepts well in an easy to understand way and reiterates until I understand. Provides practice questions for me to do in my own time and stayed overtime to ensure I knew what I was doing before my test. Flexible availability too.
Olesya's feedback about Frank (University Accounting tuition near Albany)
Great tutor, helpful and very knowledgeable.
Michael's feedback about Rik (University Accounting tuition near Frankton)
Rik is very knowledgeable in accounting and economics. He is very patient and explains things in a way that is easy to understand. 10/10 would recommend.
Tae's feedback about Sumeet (University Accounting tuition near Howick)
Sumeet is a great tutor, he is wise and knowledgeable. He tries to understand the students situation and expresses the way to find solutions to situations the student is at. He is very experienced in teaching and tries to organise the way of teaching so that the student can understand the fundamental theories behind the topic of learning. He manages his time well and compromises schedule depending on the time availability on both ends. He arranges questions for students to attempt and encourages students from the mistakes. Overall he is an amazing tutor and is highly recommended.
Tom's feedback about Saman (University Accounting tuition near Christchurch)
Saman is a great Tutor. He has a lot of experience and a great way of explaining what he is teaching. He makes it easy to understand and uses good examples to explain concepts. I would highly recommend Saman for anybody new or experienced.
Sofaia's feedback about Rik (University Accounting tuition near Petone)
Rik was awesome to work with! I took accounting in my first year at Uni as an additional course with zero experience and struggled with it. He made accounting less complicated than it appeared to be to someone like myself. He taught the lecture content that I struggled with in a simple way which made it easier to understand. I went from having two D grades in my first few assessments to getting a B in the next! He was also flexible at times when I needed to postpone sessions, which is key for full time university students who also have responsibilities to their families. I encourage anyone looking for an accounting tutor to work with Rik.
June's feedback about Analiza (University Accounting tuition near Upper Hutt)
Anna is an amazing teacher! After having a few lessons with her, I can say she is very professional and knowledgeable in the area. She did not only help me with my academic but also gave me advice on my career path. Also, her explanation is clear and easy to understand. I highly recommend her services.
Xueer's feedback about Sisi (University Accounting tuition near Oratia)
SiSi is really patient to help you explain all the questions!After three hours of make-up lessons, I got good results in the exam
Lowest Price University Accounting Tutors
Joined: 19/04/2021 | Av. Price: $23.33 p.h.
Business Related, Business Economics, Accounting, Economics
Masters: International Business (2016)Rakshit, Auckland
Joined: 28/11/2016 | Av. Price: $24.44 p.h.
Business Related, Accounting
Bachelors: Commerce and Accounting (2015)Sumeet, Papatoetoe
Joined: 09/05/2016 | Av. Price: $31.71 p.h.
Business Related, Business Economics, Accounting, Economics
Other: PG Dip in Finance (2015)
Fastest Responding University Accounting Tutors
Joined: 22/08/2019 | Av. Price: $70.00 p.h.
Maths, Business Economics, Accounting, Economics
Doctorate: Economics (2007)Navdeep
Joined: 18/11/2021 | Av. Price: $43.33 p.h.
Business Related, Business Economics, Accounting, Economics
Doctorate: PhD (2018)Thiru
Joined: 20/10/2021 | Av. Price: $62.50 p.h.
Business Related, Accounting
PGCE: Post Graduate (2015)
Highest Rated University Accounting Tutors
Joined: 22/08/2019 | Av. Price: $70.00 p.h.
Maths, Business Economics, Accounting, Economics
Doctorate: Economics (2007)Purnima, Papatoetoe
Joined: 02/01/2017 | Av. Price: $44.09 p.h.
Maths, Biology, Accounting, Economics
Bachelors: BCom and BSc (2017)Jenine
Joined: 03/11/2018 | Av. Price: $75.00 p.h.
Bachelors: BCom Accounting (2009)
Newest University Accounting Tutors
Joined: 23/11/2021 | Av. Price: $35.00 p.h.
Doctorate: Accounting (2020)Navdeep
Joined: 18/11/2021 | Av. Price: $43.33 p.h.
Business Related, Business Economics, Accounting, Economics
Doctorate: PhD (2018)Thiru
Joined: 20/10/2021 | Av. Price: $62.50 p.h.
Business Related, Accounting
PGCE: Post Graduate (2015)
Featured University Accounting Tutors
Joined: 30/09/2018 | Av. Price: $39.17 p.h.
Business Economics, Accounting, Economics
Masters: Business Administration (1995)Thiru
Joined: 20/10/2021 | Av. Price: $62.50 p.h.
Business Related, Accounting
PGCE: Post Graduate (2015)Rakshit, Auckland
Joined: 28/11/2016 | Av. Price: $24.44 p.h.
Business Related, Accounting
Bachelors: Commerce and Accounting (2015)
Why Tutor Search?
First Tutors: NZ is the only place to find the most suitable private University Accounting tutor for educations needs. Each tutor is required to go thorough ID check. In addition, we have extensive student reviews on each instructor to help you refine your online University Accounting teacher search. We provide tutor charges up front, so there are no hidden fees. University Accounting can be a hard subject, and working with an expert Accounting tutor can really help you fulfill your education goal(s)!
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