Press Coverage and Awards
We understand that finding a tutor online can be a daunting prospect. We hope that the following press coverage, recommendations and awards will help to show you that we are a great website from which to source or register as a tutor. Journalists, please contact us here.
The Daily Mail/This is Money ran an advice piece on whether it is worth getting a tutor.
The Sunday Times ran a story on the increase in demand for private tuition in Scotland, also debated up by The Scotsman and The Herald.
TES highlights the numbers of teachers leaving the classroom to become tutors.
2015 and 2014
We're featured in The Telegraph as part of their debate on which is better value; private schooling or state schooling plus tutoring? We also advised Telegraph readers on what to look for in a good tutor and featured as a recommended website to find work as a private tutor.
The Daily Mail also featured us in their piece on quality part-time work.
- We have featured across the national and regional press for over a decade. Here are a few of our favourites:
BBC News interviewed Anita Lee, Director at First Tutors: Ireland for a piece on on 11+ entrance tuition. For parents with particular concerns about these exams, we're also in this useful advice piece in The Telegraph.
- ITV National News cited our research on the average cost of tutoring, as has The Independent.
On the topic of undergraduate tuition, we've given interviews to the BBC and The Guardian regarding the increase in demand for private tuition from undergraduates.
The Daily Telegraph featured one of our clients in a seasonal piece about private tuition and the trend for online tuition.
On the topic of homeworking, The Guardian recommended tutoring as an excellent way to earn a little extra from home and recommended First Tutors: Ireland as a good place to start. We also featured in their Home Business Innovation showcase.
- We gave advice on the right frequency of tuition in The Independent.
Finally, we've commented on the use of tutors in schools in this Guardian piece.
First Tutors: Ireland has been fortunate enough to win or be finalists for several business awards.
- Education Investor Supplementary Education Provider of the Year (we've won and been nominated as a finalist several times in this category).
- Dedipower Sunday Telegraph Digital Awards (national finalists)
- Working Mum Awards - Best SME (national finalists)
- Big Chip Awards - Best eBusiness (winners)
Press Resources
First Tutors: Ireland is the only grinds company in Ireland that allow tutors to promote themselves through free public profiles that display their experience, credentials and, most importantly, the feedback they have received from other students and parents! We are proud to be Ireland's most accessible tutor-finding website.
First Tutors: Ireland offers grinds at junior, senior and third levels, in addition to introductory or educational support grinds for adult learning. Our directory of tutors specialise in all academic subjects such as Maths, Languages and Science, as well as niche subjects such as arts and crafts, thus aiming to support all individual needs.
Recent Coverage
Since launching in 2005 we have enjoyed rapid growth and international expansion, and have featured on BBC Breakfast television, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, and in the The Independent, The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph, Cambridge Evening News, Enterprise Nation, Education Today, Mumzone, The Good Schools Guide amongst other publications.
Press Enquiries
We are happy to receive media enquiries and can be contacted via the details below. Anita (co-founder) has given interviews on young entrepreneurship, female entrepreneurship, running a small business and of course, grinds, and is happy to provide an industry comment or help with case studies.
Prefer calling? Please do so on: 561998234844+ and leave a message - we'll get back to you quickly!