Gaelic Tutors
First Tutors’ tutor search helps you search for quality private, 1 on 1 Gaelic tutors throughout IRL.
Meet some of our Gaelic Grinds
Grainne Ni
Levels We Offer For Gaelic Grinds: Primary Gaelic, Junior Cycle Gaelic, Senior Cycle Gaelic, University Gaelic, Adult / Casual Gaelic
Iwona's feedback about Oisín (Junior Cycle Gaelic tuition near Dublin)
Oisín is a wonderful tutor, very knowledgeable, organised, kind and supportive. Only after a few lessons, my 13 year old son has become more confident of his Irish and said Oisín explains difficult rules in a very simple and logical way. My son would love Oisin to be his school teacher
Barbara's feedback about Adrian (Junior Cycle Gaelic tuition near Loughrea)
The students found Adrian very knowledgeable and easy to learn from. They enjoy time learning with him and have gained many tips . He is very organised and explains very well.
Michael's feedback about Seoirsín (Adult / Casual Gaelic tuition near Ballinrobe)
Seoirsín is the best Irish teacher you’ll find. She is deeply knowledgeable about the Irish language and a native speaker. She takes care to agree learning goals and shapes her teaching to meet the goals of the student. After every lesson she provides detailed notes of points for review and suggests extension work. I strongly recommend her.
Michelle's feedback about Adrian (Junior Cycle Gaelic tuition near Galway)
Adrian has been giving my son grinds for the last couple of months. My son has found these lessons to be extremely helpful. Adrian is thorough and patient. My son says that these lessons have completely changed how he feels about Irish. He now feels much more confident, ready and prepared for his upcoming exams. Thank you Adrian.
Bernadette's feedback about Ger (Adult / Casual Gaelic tuition near Baltinglass)
I've only had a few lessons with Ger but have found her to be so patient and encouraging! Which is a must when my Irish is so rusty! Highly recommend her as a tutor.
Marie's feedback about Ciara (Senior Cycle Gaelic tuition near Carlow)
I find Ciara to be very accommodating , reliable and informative , Rachel is learning lots and very happy with Ciara , Rachel is progressing very well in Irish Class now and her comprehension is very evident .
Darren's feedback about Siobhán (Junior Cycle Gaelic tuition near Dublin)
My daughter has been very happy so far with the help from Siobhan and I would highly recommend her.
Maeve's feedback about Adrian (Senior Cycle Gaelic tuition near Cork)
Adrian was a great help to me as I prepared for my orals exam. He provides fantastic notes, offered great classes & was always available to help with any questions through the week. I very highly recommend!
Aine's feedback about Coleman (Junior Cycle Gaelic tuition near Dublin)
Coleman is a very nice guy who works very well with my son. He is very reliable, punctual, knowledgeable and I can't recommend him highly enough.
Shauna's feedback about Louise (Adult / Casual Gaelic tuition near Navan)
Louise was brilliant and really helped me prepare for my Irish oral, she is excellent and really helped me to build my confidence and skills, highly recommended! Thank you.
Why choose First Tutors: Ireland for your Gaelic tutor search in Ireland?
This is the best place to find through a single search the best home Gaelic tutor for your requirements, their charges and distance from you. Gaelic can be anextremely challenging subject to master, and a home Gaelic teacher can really speed up your progress!
Become a Gaelic teacher in Ireland!
Alternatively, if you are a tutor wishing to offer your private teaching services in Gaelic or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors: Ireland or find out more about us here.