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Award-Winning Test Prep & Academic Tutoring

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Meet some of our Richmond Tutors



As a math tutor, I work hard to support many students and make sure that they fully understand each concept before moving on to the next topic. One of my key goals is to make sure that no student is left behind, and I excel at helping learners get back on track. In addition to math, I can tutor econ...


I really enjoy tutoring because it allows me to connect with other people and pass on the knowledge that I have learned to them. Educating other people and making a positive impact on them is something that really makes me happy. If I can teach someone something, or better yet, inspire them to find...


I am committed to providing my students with a quality education. I have experience as a math tutor and as a leader and have worked with a volunteer program for the past few years. Of the set of 25 fourth-grade students I tutored in math, 75% of them increased their course grades by 5 to 10 percenta...


In general, my goal is to continue passing my knowledge on to others. Teaching and tutoring are some of the best professions because both the student and the teacher learn from each other. What makes me an excellent math tutor is the wide variety of skills I have acquired throughout my academic and...


I am an English tutor who loves helping students in any way that I can. One of my greatest joys as a tutor is being able to witness that moment when a student's eyes light up once they understand something that was difficult for them. I also believe that addressing any test anxiety that a student su...


What makes me a great English tutor is my enthusiasm for the language and a good eye for the subtle details of writing. I value education as the greatest opportunity my students can be given and I enjoy seeing the ambitions of my students come to fruition. I can tutor all year, including the summer...


It is my desire to teach the students I tutor how to excel academically. I've had incredibly rewarding experiences as an English tutor. During tutoring lessons, my main goal is to be familiar enough with each student so I know how to present information to them in a way that they will best understan...


I love sharing my knowledge and helping anyone who does not understand the material come to a better understanding of it. I am happiest when I see my students pass the test they were preparing for or raise their grades. I can help with many subjects, but I prefer to be an English tutor at all levels...


I have a passion for learning and teaching, and I am able to help students with a number of biology topics. As a biology tutor, I hope to inspire students the way many teachers inspired me as a student. During one-on-one sessions, I am able to focus on the skills and concepts that are most important...


Thanks to a master's degree in physiology, I am a qualified biology tutor. I thoroughly enjoy teaching others, and I enjoy the experiencing of giving back to academia as I help a wide range of students strive towards their goals. I can help students with a wide range of biology-related subjects, inc...

Subjects Taught: Math, English, French, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, History, Chinese, Computer Skills, ESL, Japanese, Science, Social Science, Study Skills / Essay Writing, Economics

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First Tutors: Canada is the easiest way to find the most suitable Richmond tutors who meet your individual needs, helping you find a local Richmond tutor for any subject, for example, SAT English, and college level Math. Our website can also help with language tuition, so if you'd like to learn French, take a Arabic course or prepare yourself for Spanish life in Europe, we can provide the help you need - and all locally in Richmond! We will order Richmond tutors in your area according to their tuition charges and distance from you.

Alternatively, if you are a Richmond tutor wanting to advertise the home tutoring you offer in Richmond, or elsewhere in Canada, please register with First Tutors: Canada or find out more about us here. Private tuition is a great way to re-affirm your own knowledge whilst helping someone else, all in your local Richmond area!

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