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Award-Winning Test Prep & Academic Tutoring

Personalized Learning · Professional Tutoring

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Meet some of our Calgary English Tutors



My favorite topics to tutor are writing and reading. As a writing tutor, I focus on helping students compose well-structured, cogent essays that bring a distinct voice to the fore. As a reading tutor, I share strategies to help students improve their retention rate even if they're reading dense pass...


I have extensive experience in curriculum development, mentoring, and academic coaching. I have worked with students of all types, so I have experience with a diverse range of skills and abilities. As an English tutor, I have numerous skills to help them develop executive functioning skills and redu...


I have experience teaching in the classroom and in private tutoring settings. Many students credit part of their learning success to my ability to explain things in a way they understand and my ability to teach to their learning styles. They also consider me an open, kind, non-intimidating English t...


Working as an English tutor allows me to teach to my pupil's preferred learning style, forging a connection that simply isn't possible in a traditional school setting. I fell in love with the English language when my fifth-grade teacher encouraged me to enter an essay contest that I ultimately won....


I have years of experience adapting my instructional style to match each student's learning strengths so that each of my students can experience success. As an English tutor, I can work with students on phonics, high school English, and more. I can also help students prepare for the English and Lang...


I have great skills in evaluating a student's tutoring needs and in developing a plan of action with them that will improve their skills and increase their understanding of all kinds of English topics like Comparative Literature, Public Speaking, English grammar and syntax, Reading, and Writing. I c...


Most schools have a one-size-fits-all approach to education, but I believe that instruction works best when it is tailored to the specific needs of the student. I'm interested in tutoring so that I can provide this type of personalized attention to students who need it to pursue educational success....


I thought it was "so cool" that high school students came to my elementary school to tutor younger students and I jumped at the chance to follow suit when I got older. I discovered that I have a passion for teaching in doing so and now define my process in three words: Patience, Persistence, and Pra...


I am currently working as a middle school teacher, but I miss one-on-one interaction with students. I believe that a good tutor knows the material well and can teach it to keep the student engaged. I am an English tutor with more than four years of tutoring experience with students of all ages....


I'm excited to work as an English tutor and help my students improve their abilities in English and Speech. I've also helped students learn test-taking strategies and have a track record of helping students prepare for standardized tests on which they have done excellently well. I have tutored stude...
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First Tutors: Canada is the most simple way to find the most suitable Calgary english tutors who meet your individual needs, helping you find a local Calgary english tutor for any subject including SAT English, and college level Math. Our website can also help with language tutoring, so if you'd like to learn German, take a Greek course or prepare yourself for Italian life in Europe, we can provide the help you need - and all locally in Calgary! Our search will order english Calgary tutors in your area according to their english tuition charges and proximity to you.

Alternatively, if you are a Calgary english tutor wishing to advertise the local english tuition you offer in Calgary, or elsewhere in Canada, please register with First Tutors: Canada or find out more about us here. Home english tuition is a wonderful way to re-affirm your own english knowledge whilst helping someone else, all in your local Calgary area!

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+1 888 448 0296
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