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Award-Winning Test Prep & Academic Tutoring

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Meet some of our Burnaby Chemistry Tutors


I bring discerning attention to detail, excellent organizational skills, and other beneficial experiences to my role as a tutor. I have a special knack for breaking complicated problems into simpler components, something that students often find particularly helpful in fields such as chemistry. I ho...


I consider myself a lifelong learner and am looking forward to sharing that passion with others as a tutor. I like to tutor chemistry, physical science, algebra, and standardized test prep. I don't consider my job finished until my student has learned more than they expected to....


I am a chemistry tutor, and I have career aspirations in helping children further their education in the sciences and other subjects. Having a positive impact on society is my goal. I've worked as a summer camp instructor, freelance tutor, and interpreter as well as with foster children and children...


I can guide students through a number of topics and skills in personalized sessions. As a chemistry tutor, I expose students to a number of techniques for learning and studying. As well, I work to help students develop effective learning habits. I can provide effective instruction to many types of s...


Having completed many science courses, I know how challenging they can be, making me an excellent chemistry tutor. My goal as a tutor is to provide my students with the necessary tools to understand complex materials. I believe that good tutors each themselves out of a job. To me, this means we shou...


I feel that individual attention is essential to being a good chemistry tutor. Both the tutor and the student must work together to set achievable goals for the student and then discover what roadblocks are in the way. Then they work together to conquer the obstacles so the student can reach their g...


I want to tutor students because I was once in their shoes, so I understand what they are going through and what I had to do to turn things around. I believe that education is a passageway to becoming the best version of ourselves. I am comfortable tutoring several different subjects, including high...


I am a firm believer in education because it is the ticket to a higher quality of life and a better society. The ideal chemistry tutor needs to have plenty of patience working with students, understand how to improve a student's self-confidence, and know how to solve problems in the simplest effecti...


I'm a great chemistry tutor because I have a great deal of experience studying with my younger siblings and friends. I know how to learn from someone who knows more than me and pass that knowledge on to someone using techniques and strategies that help them understand the material thoroughly....


Math, Chemistry, Biology
Masters: Master of Science (2017)
I have obtained my BSc from the Faculty of Science, double major Chemistry and Mathematics. 2011-2015 I have obtained my MSc from the Faculty of Medicine, Biochemistry 2015-2017 I have 4-5 years of experience tutoring students in math, chemistry, and biochemistry. I have students ranging from ele...
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First Tutors: Canada is the easiest way to find the top Burnaby chemistry tutors who meet your individual needs, helping you find a private Burnaby chemistry tutor for any subject, for example, SAT English, and college level Math. Our website can also help with language tutoring, so if you'd like to learn Spanish, take a Russian course or prepare yourself for Italian life in Europe, we can provide the help you need - and all locally in Burnaby! Our search will order chemistry Burnaby tutors in your area by chemistry tuition charges and distance from you.

Alternatively, if you are a Burnaby chemistry tutor wanting to advertise the private chemistry tuition you offer in Burnaby, or elsewhere in Canada, please register with First Tutors: Canada or find out more about what we do here. Home chemistry tuition is a great way to re-affirm your own chemistry knowledge whilst helping someone else, all in your local Burnaby area!

Call us today to connect with a top Burnaby Chemistry tutor:
+1 888 448 0296
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