Meet some of our Social Science Tutors
Levels We Can Offer Social Science Tutoring In: Early Development Social Science, Elementary Social Science, Secondary Social Science, College / University Social Science, Casual Social Science
Sheila's feedback about Caroline (Secondary Social Science tuition near Kitimat)
Very professional and patient tutor.Highly recommend.
Sean's feedback about Halmat (College / University Social Science tuition near North Vancouver)
Halmat is one of the best tutors I have ever worked with. He is quite knowledgeable with The Canadian Legal System and has helped me with understanding one of my most difficult assignments. I would highly recommend Halmat as a tutor and will be seeing him again If need the support. Thank you Halmat.
Lian's feedback about Khullood (College / University Social Science tuition near Montreal)
Very helpful tutor, as well as accommodating and understanding!
Kimberly's feedback about Derval (Secondary Social Science tuition near Edmonton)
Thank you Derval for helping Kira with her Social 20. She felt very comfortable with you and was very happy with how the tutoring sessions were conducted. She saw immediate results in her exam and could trace her certainty back to specific discussions you both had. I know that Social is a struggle for her, so do not be surprised if we are back in touch when she moves up to Social 30. Thanks so much for your help!
Inna's feedback about Momotaj (College / University Social Science tuition near Vaughan)
Momotaj is a very professional and experienced tutor . She puts significant effort to understand student's needs and creates customized lessons plan and strategy. She helped me so much with my writing and speaking . I recommend Momotaj to anyone looking for help with social science courses.
Yussuf's feedback about Marie (College / University Social Science tuition near Toronto)
she is nice tutor
Why choose First Tutors: Canada for your Social Science tutor search Canada?
The First Tutors website is the best resource to discover the most suitable private Social Science tutor who match your personal requirements, based on their hourly tuition charges and distance from you. Social Science can be a really challenging subject, but using a Social Science teacher can really speed up your progress!
Become a Social Science instructor in Canada!
Alternatively if you are a home tutor and would like to promote the private tutoring you can offer in Social Science, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors: Canada or find out more about what we can do for you here.