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Meet some of our Online Math Tutors



In general, my goal is to continue passing my knowledge on to others. Teaching and tutoring are some of the best professions because both the student and the teacher learn from each other. What makes me an excellent math tutor is the wide variety of skills I have acquired throughout my academic and...


I am committed to providing my students with a quality education. I have experience as a math tutor and as a leader and have worked with a volunteer program for the past few years. Of the set of 25 fourth-grade students I tutored in math, 75% of them increased their course grades by 5 to 10 percenta...


I really enjoy tutoring because it allows me to connect with other people and pass on the knowledge that I have learned to them. Educating other people and making a positive impact on them is something that really makes me happy. If I can teach someone something, or better yet, inspire them to find...


I found my love for math in the 8th grade when I began Algebra 1. The course instructor gave me the motivation that I now wish to give to others. I enjoy helping students realize their untapped potential, whether they are tackling IB Mathematical Studies or dealing with middle school-level mathemati...


In my mind, the key to acting as an effective math tutor is listening to your pupil and truly understanding their needs. I primarily tutor juniors and seniors in high school in subjects such as math, SAT prep, and ACT prep, always encouraging my students to ask questions whenever they don't understa...


As a result of my post-secondary education, I do have a very strong background in the natural sciences. I'm also a math tutor and have a lot of experience helping people prepare for standardized tests. Not only can I help students cover the material that these tests go over, but I can also assist yo...


I work presently in quality assurance for a software company. I'm also a mentor for an elementary school student. I believe my role as a tutor is to inspire as much as it is to educate; if I can instill positive values in my students and encourage them to value and appreciate education then I feel l...


My vast array of experience and interests allows me to help nearly any student. I truly enjoy education and believe it is essential for each student to achieve their goals for the future. As a math tutor, I believe that my student's success is how I demonstrate my success. That makes it very importa...


I feel like I am a born teacher, which is just one of the reasons why I decided to pursue an advanced teaching degree. I tutor a varied list of subjects, from high school to college levels. If you are looking for a math tutor, I can work with students in elementary school math, pre-algebra, algebra,...


I offer tutoring in a number of different subjects. I am a math tutor, but I also help people with preparation for their SATs, and I tutor English at both the high school and college levels. I found helping people to be extremely rewarding and I try to impart positive values to the students that I m...

Online Math Tuition Levels: Early Development Math, Elementary Math, Secondary Math, College / University Math, Casual Math

How does the First Tutors: Canada tutor search work?

First Tutors: Canada recruits the best Math teachers in the country to assist you to accomplish your academic goals. Each teacher is required to go through referencing and ID checking. In addition, we have extensive pupil reviews on each tutor to help you refine your online Math teacher search. We provide tutor rates up front, so there are no hidden fees. Math can be a challenging subject, and working with an expert Math teacher can really speed up your progress!

Want to be an online Math teacher on First Tutors: Canada?

If you are an online Math tutor wishing to offer your online Math tuition, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors: Canada or find out more about what we do here. An online Math teacher can make a positive impact in a pupil's life with the convenience of teaching them from home or anywhere else!

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