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Percussion (Drums) Lessons in Salisbury

We help you locate a Salisbury percussion (drums) tutor. Percussion (Drums) lessons are the perfect way to learn a fun new hobby, pick up a new skill and attain confidence with percussion (drums).

Meet some of our Salisbury Percussion (Drums) Teachers



Percussion (Drums), Music Theory
Professional: Performers diploma LGSM (1992)
I have spent 27 years playing music professionally in the British Army and travelled the world playing music for Royalty, Military and civilians. I have played styles; Big band drums, concert band, Traditional Jazz band, pop band, dance band styles, which include drum kit playing and orchestral ie T...


Percussion (Drums)
Other: Grade 8 (Distinction) (2013)
Hi I'm Luigi, originally from Italy I've lived and played drums in the south of England for 20 years. My extensive experience covers musical projects in a variety of styles, including rock, funk, folk, jazz, prog, reggae and latin. As well as having plenty of experience performing and recording, I...


Percussion (Drums)
Masters: Radio Production (2010)
I was a founder member, drummer and co-songwriter in Dodgy, which achieved considerable success, selling over a million records worldwide. I have played and recorded with many other acts including The Lightning Seeds, Ian Mcnabb and The Icicle Works, Gene, Electric Soft Parade, Yellow Moon Band an...
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This is the best way to discover Salisbury percussion (drums) teachers in the UK, helping you find Salisbury percussion (drums) lessons in your area and Salisbury teachers to help with any instrument like piano, violin or . We can help you find Salisbury percussion (drums) lessons or a Salisbury percussion (drums) tutor to prepare for percussion (drums) grades and develop your percussion (drums) skills! We order Salisbury percussion (drums) tutors near you according to their hourly charges and proximity to you.

If you are a percussion (drums) teacher wishing to offer percussion (drums) tuition services in Salisbury or throughout the UK, please register with First Tutors: Music or learn about us here. Becoming a Salisbury percussion (drums) teacher is a wonderful way to re-affirm your own skills through giving percussion (drums) tuition while assisting others, all in your local Salisbury area!

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