Health and Physical Education Tutors
First Tutors’ tutor search can help you find quality Health and Physical Education tutoring across New Zealand.
Meet some of our Health and Physical Education Tutors
Swetlana Rajshree
Levels We Offer For Health and Physical Education Tuition: Primary Health and Physical Education, NCEA Level 1 Health and Physical Education, NCEA Levels 2-3 Health and Physical Education, Adult/Casual Health and Physical Education
Jenny's feedback about Cathy (NCEA Level 1 Health and Physical Education tuition near Te Anau)
My daughter has just started having help with PE from Cathy. She is learning so quickly and is really enjoying her time and discussions within the subject. Thank so much Cathy.
Lowest Price Health and Physical Education Tutors
Joined: 06/10/2017 | Av. Price: $20.50 p.h.
Health and Physical Education
Bachelors: Bachelor Of Arts In Social Science And Conflict Resolution (2017)Medis
Joined: 09/02/2023 | Av. Price: $40.00 p.h.
English, Chemistry, Biology, Health and Physical Education
College: Year 9 certificate for EL (2018)Cathy
Joined: 30/09/2017 | Av. Price: $45.00 p.h.
English (Foreign Language) , Health and Physical Education
PGCE: Secondary Teaching (2006)
Fastest Responding Health and Physical Education Tutors
Joined: 09/02/2023 | Av. Price: $40.00 p.h.
English, Chemistry, Biology, Health and Physical Education
College: Year 9 certificate for EL (2018)Chris
Joined: 24/01/2022 | Av. Price: $45.00 p.h.
Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Health and Physical Education
Bachelors: Bachelor of Leisure Studies (2001)Rohan
Joined: 06/10/2017 | Av. Price: $20.50 p.h.
Health and Physical Education
Bachelors: Bachelor Of Arts In Social Science And Conflict Resolution (2017)
Highest Rated Health and Physical Education Tutors
Joined: 09/02/2023 | Av. Price: $40.00 p.h.
English, Chemistry, Biology, Health and Physical Education
College: Year 9 certificate for EL (2018)Cathy
Joined: 30/09/2017 | Av. Price: $45.00 p.h.
English (Foreign Language) , Health and Physical Education
PGCE: Secondary Teaching (2006)Rohan
Joined: 06/10/2017 | Av. Price: $20.50 p.h.
Health and Physical Education
Bachelors: Bachelor Of Arts In Social Science And Conflict Resolution (2017)
Newest Health and Physical Education Tutors
Joined: 09/02/2023 | Av. Price: $40.00 p.h.
English, Chemistry, Biology, Health and Physical Education
College: Year 9 certificate for EL (2018)Chris
Joined: 24/01/2022 | Av. Price: $45.00 p.h.
Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Health and Physical Education
Bachelors: Bachelor of Leisure Studies (2001)Asad
Joined: 01/11/2020 | Av. Price: $81.67 p.h.
Biology, Psychology, Health and Physical Education
Bachelors: MBBS (2020)
Featured Health and Physical Education Tutors
Swetlana Rajshree, Invercargill
Joined: 04/08/2018 | Av. Price: $123.58 p.h.
Religious Studies, Art, Craft and Design, Health and Physical Education
Bachelors: Physiotherapy (2012)Cathy
Joined: 30/09/2017 | Av. Price: $45.00 p.h.
English (Foreign Language) , Health and Physical Education
PGCE: Secondary Teaching (2006)Asad
Joined: 01/11/2020 | Av. Price: $81.67 p.h.
Biology, Psychology, Health and Physical Education
Bachelors: MBBS (2020)
Why choose First Tutors: NZ for your Health and Physical Education tutor search in New Zealand?
First Tutors: NZ is the only place to locate the most trustworthy private Health and Physical Education teacher for you. We have extensive tutee reviews on each tutor to help you refine your online Health and Physical Education teacher search. There are no hidden charges because we provide the tutor rates up front. Health and Physical Education can be an extremely challenging subject, and working with an expert Health and Physical Education teacher can really help you fulfill your education goal(s). First Tutors: NZ is here to make it simple for students!
Become a Health and Physical Education tutor in New Zealand!
Join First Tutors: NZ if you are an online teacher wishing to offer your online Health and Physical Education lessons, or any of our other subjects, please register with First Tutors: NZ or find out more about us here. An Health and Physical Educationteacher can make a positive impact in tutee's life!