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Information About Donnchadh - Dublin tutor -

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Donnchadh's profile picture


This is how 2 referees rated Donnchadh:





Subjects Taught

Donnchadh offers a discount of 50% on their first / introductory lesson!


Price Guide
Junior Cycle €35.00
Senior Cycle €45.00


Price Guide
Senior Cycle €45.00
University €50.00


Price Guide
Junior Cycle €35.00

Map Location

Personal Description:

I'm a PhD student in the fourth year of my PhD in University College Dublin. I have a 1:1 bachelor's degree in Astrophysics, so I have long history of mathematics and physics, especially since my work heavily involves mathematics from day to day. I have a keen interest in learning languages which I also feel gives me an advantage in teaching, since I'm familiar with many different learning strategies. My main languages are Russian and Ukrainian, which I speak very well, I also speak German quite well and Japanese to a basic level. Additionally, I know some other languages to a basic level.

Tutoring Experience:

I've demonstrated labs in my undergraduate degree and did so at the beginning of my PhD as well as teaching tutorials, which I'm currently doing as well. This is my experience with large groups of students, while also having one-on-one lessons with students during those times.

Approach to Grinds:

My first lessons involve having the student explain their idea of the material they are seeking to learn, asking the student to do problems to see where the main misconceptions lie. From there I generally try to adapt the lessons from there, trying to structure the material in a way that best suits the student.
The main approach I take is to work through problems and marking the important concepts and pivotal points for solving the problems.

For university level grinds, I limit the scope to 1st and 2nd year modules. Apologies for any inconveniences.

Tutor Resources: (free to download)

Please login or register to download tutor resources.

Native Language: English
Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: Yes (✔ On File)


  • Maynooth University (2021) - BSc Physics with Astrophysics (Bachelors) (✘ Not On File)

Tags: Dublin Maths tutor, Dublin Physics tutor, Dublin Science tutor, Dublin Junior Cycle Maths tutor, Dublin Senior Cycle Maths tutor, Dublin Senior Cycle Physics tutor, Dublin University Physics tutor, Dublin Junior Cycle Science tutor