Information About Yousuf
Milton tutorPersonal Description:
I enjoy teaching, analyzing data, and learning about different religions and philosophies. I have an educational background in many areas, including finance, business, science, mathematics, and religion. My work has primarily focused on two things: (1) teaching college students, (2) data analysis for companies.
Tutoring Experience:
Sheridan College: Teaching diploma and BBA level Finance courses for five years.
Homeschool students: Teaching math and religion.
The University of Toronto: Teaching undergraduate courses in Finance, and serving as a Teaching Assistant for a wide range of MBA courses.
Tutoring Approach:
I had to teach myself a lot of concepts when pursuing my B.A. Math and Ph.D. Finance degrees. It's a pain scratching your head and trying to make sense of confusing symbols and concepts, be it in math, physics, or for that matter, language and philosophy. I explain things slowly and carefully, until the student understands, no matter how complex the symbols and terminology are.
When explaining difficult concepts, I provide examples that students can relate to, spend time on clarifying confusing symbols and terminology, and focus on concepts that are tested. I talk out loud about the problem that is being solved so students are able to follow my thought pattern, have students explain how they solve problems, and use a combination of Microsoft Office and other tools in an online setup to enable effective communication. I create an environment that is encouraging and appropriately challenges the student to excel to the best of his or her ability.
Tutor Resources: (free to download)
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Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: No (✘ Not On File)
- Unversity of Toronto (2015) - Ph.D. in Finance (Doctorate) (✘ Not On File)
- University of Toronto (2009) - Masters of Business Administration (Masters) (✘ Not On File)
- Dartmouth College (NH, USA) (2002) - Bachelor of Arts (Bachelors) (✘ Not On File)