This is how 17 referees rated Toyeeb:
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Personal Description:
I can support students as they discover a variety of French skills and concepts. As a native French speaker, I bring a high level of conversational fluency and expertise to my work as a French tutor. I want to work as a French tutor because I want to encourage students to learn and grow. I believe in building relationships with students that foster a more effective learning environment.
Tutoring Experience:
I earned a bachelor's degree in Actuarial Science. I have worked with high school and college students in different educational contexts. I am a native French speaker, and I can use my knowledge to help students.
Tutoring Approach:
I take the time to learn more about the student's abilities and needs. I believe in developing trust between me and the student and helping the student trust their own abilities. I encourage students to learn independently and I try to present material in ways that appeal to their interests.
References Available: 17 (✘ Not On File)