This is how 32 referees rated Sam:
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Personal Description:
I can help students with a variety of musical skills and disciplines in one-on-one sessions. As a music tutor, I am able to help students with guitar, drums, and piano. I also have training in music theory which I can apply to sessions as a music tutor. I have a jazz background, and I believe rhythm and groove are essential elements of study.
Tutoring Experience:
I attended college, earning a bachelor's degree in Professional Music. I have over 30 years of experience with music, and I have performed in a variety of contexts from tours around the world to street performance. A key part of my degree as an undergrad was Songwriting and Music Therapy.
Tutoring Approach:
I take time to understand what students like to listen to and their abilities. I want to help students develop their own unique voice, and I strive to tailor my instruction to the needs and goals of each individual student.
References Available: 32 (✘ Not On File)