This is how 33 referees rated Rick:

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Personal Description:
Students seek out the help of a physics tutor for a number of reasons. Some people understand the theories just fine, but get tripped up by the math, while others have more trouble with the abstract concepts, and some struggle with all of it. Whichever category you fall into, I'm ready to work with you. Whether it's guidance on your coursework you're looking for, or you're preparing for an upcoming exam, like a course final or the SAT Subject Test in Physics, I'm here to help!
Tutoring Experience:
I studied Aerospace Engineering, a major that, as you might imagine, relies on a lot of concepts one also encounters in physics. After that, I decided to pursue my interests further, and am currently working towards a Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering.
Tutoring Approach:
A lot of times physics can feel very abstract to people, so I often try to show how certain concepts or theories play out in the real world. I also recognize that each student has their own set of strengths and learning preferences and I try to be responsive to those.
References Available: 33 (✘ Not On File)