This is how 34 referees rated Regan:

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Personal Description:
I can help students with a number of valuable skills and concepts during personalized sessions. My work as an English tutor is informed by my time helping less-experienced attorneys understand complex legal issues. I want students to understand how learning can help them and give them tools to be lifelong learners. I can adapt my teaching style to the needs of individuals students.
Tutoring Experience:
I earned a bachelor's degree in English and Economics. I also have a Master of Law as well as a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. I have four years of legal experience with a large firm.
Tutoring Approach:
Each student is motivated by different things. As an English tutor, my job is to connect what they are learning to what motivates them. Also, personalizing my instruction to suit their learning style is essential to leading effective sessions. The combination of these two aspects is what leads to a successful experience for both student and tutor.
References Available: 34 (✘ Not On File)