This is how 2 referees rated Pruthvi:
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Personal Description:
I am currently studying physics and astronomy at York University. I love teaching math and especially science to people of all backgrounds.
Tutoring Experience:
I do tutor my little sister in both math and science, she’s in grade 10 right now. I have also tutored students in NATS courses such as NATS astronomy and also I’ve tutored in grade 11 chemistry.
Tutoring Approach:
I try to give simple examples and make you understand the fundamentals of the problem. Why this is the case and why we you this equation etc etc. As well I like to visual the problem with you and make you understand really what’s happening in the problem and correct ways to approach any problem. This way you never get stuck on a question and you can be questioned anything related to the subject and still know what to do.
Tutor Resources: (free to download)
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Additional Languages: Gujarati
Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: Yes (✔ On File)
- York University (2019) - Honour Physics and Astronomy (Bachelors) (✘ Not On File)