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Personal Description:
Hi, my name is Paula and I am a qualified Tutor… Although I have taught many subjects over the years, my passion is for helping people who have learning disabilities to achieve their goal. After running a Literacy Workshop in a College, for over 5 years, in the UK, the delight on someone's face when they manage to write their name and address or learn to read a book to their child, is something you never forget.
Tutoring Experience:
My initial teaching Certificate in Education was obtained in the UK and my thesis was on Learning Disabilities. I also hold Certificates in:
Further Professional Study, Educational Evaluation, Certificates in Competencies in Training and Development, Assessor & Verifier Units and a Certificate of Competnce, Level B, in Occupational Testing (The British Psychological Society).
I taught a range of subjects whilst at the College including ESL and Communication Skills on a variety of courses. After being promoted to Senior Lecturer, I was in charge of the government's Technical and Vocational Education Initiative.
My family then moved to another part of England, and I joined a Training Company which was part of Norfolk County Council. Here I ran an Open Learning Workshop which serviced 25,000 employees. Anyone was able to drop in and get help on a wide variety of subjects. I also taught on several Management Courses including the MBA.
After several years I left and started my own training and **Contact Detail Removed** company where I offered bespoke courses to both the public and private sectors.
Tutoring Approach:
My approach to Literacy tutoring has always been to listen to the student and find out exactly what they want to achieve. Together we then devise a lesson pathway for them to follow to achieve their goals. No two people learn in exactly the same way and at the same speed, therefore it is important to identify the best method of teaching for each person.
Tutor Resources: (free to download)
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Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: Yes (✔ On File)
- City & Guilds (1995) - Cerificate of Competencies in Traing and Development - Assess Candidates Performance & Assess Candidate using diverse evidence (Professional) (✘ Not On File)
- City & Guilds (1995) - Certificate of Competencies in Training & Development Skills - Assessor Award (Professional) (✘ Not On File)
- Cambridge Institute of Education (1992) - Certificate of Further Professional Study - Education Evaluation (Professional) (✘ Not On File)
- Council for Academic Awards (1990) - Certificate in Education (College) (✘ Not On File)