This is how 8 referees rated Nolan:
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Personal Description:
I offer tutoring on a range of subject areas and skill sets. I can work with you on test prep if you are getting ready for the math portion of the SAT. If you need a math tutor, including someone who can help you with specific subjects like college algebra or geometry, I can help you there too.
Tutoring Experience:
I hold a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. My tutoring experience extends back to my time in college, and I have often received glowing praise from the students I've worked with.
Tutoring Approach:
It is important to use session time wisely. Once I know which areas are causing the student to struggle, and which areas they're on top of, we can focus our energy where it's needed. I also believe in finding the right approach for the right student, whether that means beginning with the solution and working to the initial problem, or teaching through example.
References Available: 8 (✘ Not On File)