This is how 31 referees rated Nikolais:

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Personal Description:
Rather than striving to give one's all, I believe that slow and steady is what leads to development and improvement. I guide students through the concepts they find challenging, rather than give them the answers. I want them to see the big picture, which can help them feel more comfortable in the subject.
Tutoring Experience:
I have a lot of experience as a teacher. In addition to working with my five children, I have taught seminars with more than 300 participants. I have instructed students from elementary-age to adult learners, which has allowed me to gain the skills necessary to share my knowledge with others. I graduated with an associate degree in General Studies.
Tutoring Approach:
Patience is the key to an effective economics tutor. No two students learn in the exact same ways, making it crucial to listen to their needs. Students need to truly understand the concepts, rather than simply memorize them. I create a lesson plan that revolves around their concerns and aims to build their confidence in a variety of economics concepts, such as opportunity cost and property rights.
References Available: 31 (✘ Not On File)