This is how 3 referees rated Nicole:
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Personal Description:
Hi, my name is Nicole and I am a fun loving extrovert who loves teaching! I have finished my PhD in Kinesiology (all but defended) and have an undergraduate degree in Health Science. My research has focussed on physical activity for kids with disabilities, but I also have expertise in writing (literature reviews, essays, opinion papers, etc.), researching and referencing information (APA), research methods (qualitative and quantitative), and strategies for student success. I have taken university courses in a wide variety of subjects, making me the ideal writing mentor in nearly any subject!
Tutoring Experience:
I've been a teaching assistant at the undergradua**Contact Detail Removed**vel for six years and created/taught my own fourth year course in Adapted Physical Activity for Children with Developmental Disorders. I have mentored undergraduate and masters students for the past five years and have completed the University Teaching Foundations course offered at my school. I will be defending my thesis and finishing my University Teaching Certification in the coming months.
Tutoring Approach:
I resonate with the teaching style of Miss. Frizzle from the Magic School Bus, not only because of her attitude toward experiential learning, but also because I have frizzy hair! My primary interests are in communication and knowledge transfer - how can we take complicated topics and share them in a way that is accessible to everyone? I take the same approach with tutoring and will foster a positive relationship with my students to ensure they learning and reaching their own goals. I have been praised for my ability to make learning interesting and engaging - even for subjects that are typically more "dry" like research methods! The students I have mentored have encouraged me to keep teaching because they had a positive experience working with me, not just in the academic world, but also about life in general. If you are looking for a tutor who is engaging, motivating, realistic, and caring, look no further!
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Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: Yes (✔ On File)
- Wilfrid Laurier University (2020) - Kinesiology (Doctorate) (✘ Not On File)
- Wilfrid Laurier University (2015) - Kinesiology (Masters) (✘ Not On File)
- Wilfrid Laurier University (2013) - Health Sciences (Bachelors) (✘ Not On File)