This is how 30 referees rated Nathan:

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Personal Description:
The key to being an effective physics tutor is figuring out why a student is struggling with a particular concept and addressing the root cause of the issue. Once you find the right path, your student's grades will improve and they'll have a deeper understanding of the subject. I love physics, but I understand that not everyone does. Let me help you create a strategy for success in physics!
Tutoring Experience:
I have professional experience teaching physics classes as well as tutoring physics and math, so I know how to explain concepts such as the applications of Newton's Second Law of Motion to students. I hold a bachelor's degree and a master's, both in Physics.
Tutoring Approach:
Every student learns differently, so trying to approach education with a cookie-cutter approach is destined to fail. Therefore, I try to understand the background that each student brings to the table to help me improve their study efficiency.
References Available: 30 (✘ Not On File)