This is how 25 referees rated McKenzie:
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Personal Description:
I am motivated by my love of learning to help students. As a math tutor, my greatest passion is being able to equip motivated students to succeed and I take great pride in helping my students to improve their grades. I find helping other people to be a very rewarding endeavor.
Tutoring Experience:
I completed an associate's degree specializing in Science and Mathematics and I will soon be transferring to a state university to complete a degree in statistics. I started tutoring students in 2009 and have been an avid tutor since then.
Tutoring Approach:
To me, the most important goal of tutoring is equipping the student with the skills and confidence to learn on their own. I am not only tutoring a student in a subject but I am also teaching them how to learn. I also adapt my approach to the unique learning styles of each student to get the most out of each session.
References Available: 25 (✘ Not On File)