This is how 24 referees rated Marie:
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Personal Description:
Does reading comprehension give you a headache? Do grammatical rules bore you to tears? Are you struggling with your pronunciation? Don't worry! I can help you with all aspects of English, including grammar, editing/writing, and reading comprehension. No two students have the same educational needs, and I'll go to great lengths to discover the teaching methods that best fit your needs. I'm looking forward to working with you!
Tutoring Experience:
I only have a little bit of formal tutoring experience, but I make up for that through informal coaching. For example, I recently took a volunteer position teaching ESL in Italy and constantly found myself teaching English to my newfound friends and coworkers. They said that my best quality as an English tutor was my demeanor. They felt at ease around me, making it easier to learn from mistakes.
Tutoring Approach:
English is a universal subject that offers a lot of flexibility in how you study it. Whether you want to study grammar by reviewing your favorite sportswriters or leverage music to help you remember grammatical rules, the possibilities are endless.
References Available: 24 (✘ Not On File)