This is how 5 referees rated Marcus:
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Personal Description:
I believe that tutors have the unique ability to help students better understand the material that their professors may not have explained in a way they can understand. As an economics tutor, I feel that it is my responsibility to make concepts and ideas more clear and put them into perspective for my students.
Tutoring Experience:
I earned my bachelor's degree in General Biology with a minor in Business Management. For most of my life, I have been a full-time student. I also have experience tutoring other students. I am available as an economics tutor to work with students in high school and college.
Tutoring Approach:
As a tutor, I will never let my students be unprepared for their classes or upcoming exams. When I first meet with a new student, I will go over their strengths and weaknesses with them so I can show them how to use their school books more effectively and efficiently.
References Available: 5 (✘ Not On File)