This is how 8 referees rated Mara:
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Personal Description:
I believe my experience teaching academic and performing arts qualifies me to be a music tutor. My teaching style focuses on experiential learning and personal communication as well as asking questions. I also encourage students to think in new ways and approach learning from a creative and critical perspective.
Tutoring Experience:
I earned a bachelor's degree in music performance as well as a master's degree in music composition. Formerl**Contact Detail Removed**meschooled student, I've developed strong organizational and independent study skills. Being a musician and improviser enables me infuse creative thinking and curiosity into the learning process.
Tutoring Approach:
My approach to experiential learning allows students to make mistakes and learn from them. I use conversational inquiry to encourage creative, critical thinking. To motivate my students, I relate topics using larger contexts to help everything make sense and recognize their progress. I also prioritize the student's interests and challenges while setting clear and achievable short-term goals.
References Available: 8 (✘ Not On File)