This is how 19 referees rated Katherine:

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Personal Description:
I am a very experienced chemistry tutor. My undergraduate school didn't have any graduate programs, allowing undergrads to serve as teaching assistants. I took advantage of that by helping out in "Kitchen Chem" (a non-technical general chem course) as a freshman, freshman chemistry lab as a sophomore, and organic chemistry lab as a junior and senior. I continued as a graduate student, helping teach courses such as general chem, organic chem, and chem for non-majors. I was even hired as a full-time lecturer while still in school.
Tutoring Experience:
I double-majored in Chemistry and Mathematics and earned a Ph.D. in Synthetic Organic Chemistry in 1984. I also have 30 years of professional experience in the chemical industry, taught all levels of chemistry as a TA, and tutored my daughters and their friends throughout their educational careers. I have won numerous academic awards as well.
Tutoring Approach:
Education should inspire students, and that's always my goal no matter what we're covering.
References Available: 19 (✘ Not On File)