Personal Description:
Hi! My name is Kasia and I am a second year University of Toronto student studying English, with plans to become a high school teacher in the future! I am very passionate about helping students be the best versions of themselves in their academic work, encouraging them to hone in on both their strengths and weaknesses. I was part of the AP (Advanced Placement) program in High School, and am now maintaining above 80s average for my English courses in University!
Tutoring Experience:
I volunteered for an after school Literacy program called L.O.L. (Love of Language) as a Volunteer Teaching Assistant! I helped grade assignments pertaining to writing skills and gave students feedback on where they needed improvement. My time with L.O.L. got cut short because of COVID-19, but I am eager to be working with them again in the near future!
Tutoring Approach:
My approach to tutoring is to hear out the problems you (or your child) may have in regards to their reading and writing skills. I will ask students to explain to me exactly what part of their assignment is confusing them, and then try to explain their instructions in a way that is easily understandable. I also like to focus on both your strengths and weaknesses in regards to your literacy skills. This way, I can guide you as to how best to combine what you are great at, and what you need improvement in, for us to see progress in your work! As always, practice makes perfect, and I am here to help you every step of the way.
I specialize in essay writing skills, as a University student I am expected and trained to write at a very intense level. Therefore, I am well-equipped to teach writing at the secondary and primary level.
Tutor Resources: (free to download)
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Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: No (✘ Not On File)
- University of Toronto Mississauga (2020) - Currently Studying for HBA (School) (✘ Not On File)