This is how 26 referees rated Julia:
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Personal Description:
I am familiar with both classroom and one-one instruction, and I can lead personalized lessons to help students of many ages and skill levels. I can be effective as an English tutor because I believe students have the power to learn when they are put in the right situation. During sessions, I am able to address the material that is most relevant to the student while leading them through the material at a suitable pace.
Tutoring Experience:
I have a bachelor's degree in Creative Writing/English and Neuropsychology. I also am a current graduate student studying International Development. I have taught and tutored in a number of contexts all over the world.
Tutoring Approach:
I believe in empowering students to do their best in the present and develop skills they can use in the future as an English tutor. Because every student learns differently, I work to match my instructional techniques to those of each student.
References Available: 26 (✘ Not On File)