This is how 19 referees rated John:
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Personal Description:
My educational journey has given me the chance to act as both a student and a teacher. I am primarily a biology tutor, but I can help students with a wide range of topics related to medical sciences, including developmental biology, cell biology, life sciences, and much more. As a passiona**Contact Detail Removed**arner myself, I aim to inspire and motivate others through my passion for science.
Tutoring Experience:
Over the years, I have taught at four different colleges in both in-person and online settings. I have also helped students study for the MCAT. I earned my bachelor's degree in Middle Eastern Studies before earning my master's degree in anatomy.
Tutoring Approach:
I base my tutoring approach on each individual student, making sure to listen to their unique goals and priorities before moving forward with a clear educational plan that taps into their unique learning style. I also focus on breaking down complex topics into smaller, more manageable sections.
References Available: 19 (✘ Not On File)