This is how 34 referees rated Gregory:

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Personal Description:
I can help students make the most of their educational opportunities in one-on-one sessions. I enjoy teaching, and working as a physics tutor is a great chance to help a particular student without having to worry about the needs of other learners. My experience with a variety of math and science topics gives me insight into the analytical and technical aspects of physics. As a physics tutor, I am also able to help students prepare effectively for the AP Physics 2 exam.
Tutoring Experience:
I earned my undergraduate degree in Physics and also obtained a master's degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering. I have experience educating students in a classical setting, and I taught math, theology, and physics.
Tutoring Approach:
When working with a student, I focus on whatever concerns, knowledge gaps, or other impediments are keeping a student from understanding the material. I design personalized sessions to help the student learn as well as possible.
References Available: 34 (✘ Not On File)