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Information About George

Yellowknife tutor


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Personal Description:

A brief history of my communications work…

I trained in communications, media creation and public relations back in the 1970s… so I learned the traditional, non-digital ways of doing things… print… writing, editing layout design with typewriters, paper and wax; radio with tape… editing with a razor blade and a splicing block; photography with a film camera… processing and printing in the darkroom… and then **Contact Detail Removed**vision with open reel tape recorders… shooting live to tape or broadcast because in those days, editing required much more expensive equipment and took too much time… of course, these days I everything I do is digitally based.

Very early on I earned my keep by tutoring others in the mass media arts and as a freelance producer.

My first $100 a day job was as a contractor for a senior citizens advocacy group in Montreal producing a weekly radio program for them that was broadcast on the largest English language radio station in town, CJAD.

I was hooked… I found my vocation… giving voice to others as a communications enabler. A career that has enabled me to work with and train literally thousands of intelligent and creative people from many countries and cultures around the world… the bonus was the opportunity to also travel and live in those cultures and countries.

Over the years, small projects and budgets led to larger ones. My skills in project management grew as did the opportunities to personally grow and learn more about the creative process of communications, management of creative people & projects, media planning, strategies and research. In Toronto, at the largest community TV station in Canada, I recruited, trained and managed a three hundred strong corps of volunteers that spanned the ethic diversity of the city. In Beijing I worked as copy editor for China’s largest english language publication.

My earliest Northern experience occurred over several years when I was contracted by the regional Inuit radio and **Contact Detail Removed**vision broadcaster to train the management and production staff for the 13 communities of Nunavik, Arctic Quebec. During my years there, budget projections regularly topped $900K/year.

My second Northern media experience was nearly two years in Inuvik as a broadcast TV production trainer at the Inuvialuit Communications Society.

My introduction to educational media came during my college years when I worked for the AV department and the print shop while writing and editing for the college paper and broadcasting on the college radio station. My first non-broadcast media job was as the senior audio-visual tech for a major college in Montreal. I then went on to work as the educational media consultant for a large, 12 school regional elementary/high school board in Quebec’s Eastern Townships where, as the person in charge of audio-visuals I managed both the media capital acquisition and operational budgets for the board.

In 1999 the Nunavut Department of Education’s curriculum development division hired me as a lead media specialist. My first duty there was to set up the divisional media facility by assessing the divisional hardware and software needs for the creation of all the new printed and electronic/digital curricular materials for the K-12 programs of the Nunavut school system. Then during the next four years I worked with the other staff on producing all the print and electronic/digital and multimedia material in Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, English and French to meet the need to transform the territorial curriculum to an “Inuit centered” one.

My teaching experience includes journalism & media production (print, radio, **Contact Detail Removed**vision and new media), interpersonal & small group communications, business communications, the management of communications projects and creative staff.

Although I am French / English bilingual and do not speak, read or write any other languages, I have, with the assistance of translators, professionally produced media in Inuvialuktun Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut, Mandarin and Odia, the official language of Orissa, India.

Samples of my work available online …
Photography: Over 800,000 views
**Web Address Removed**
Videos: Over 80,000 views
**Web Address Removed**
Outlines of courses and workshops I have taught:
**Web Address Removed**
Samples of printed publications I produced for Education Nunavut
**Web Address Removed**

So, in summery, I have significant journalistic & educational media experience in prin**Contact Detail Removed**ctronic, digital and new media; strong writing and presentational skills; extensive computer skills; creativity and curiosity; an ability to work well under pressure; the proven ability to work quickly and to manage multiple projects simultaneously; proven leadership abilities and the ability to establish and maintain excellent interpersonal relations, especially with individuals from a wide variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Tutoring Experience:

March 2011 YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHER MENTOR - Normal Wells & Colville Lake NWT. Presented a week long digital photography workshop for young photographers in each of these communities under the auspices of **Web Address Removed** funded by BHP-Billiton and the NWT Arts Council.

January 2011 - Present - Substitute Teacher - Yellowknife - Part Time - On-call - Yellowknife Catholic School Board, Yellowknife Education District No. 1 and the Commission scolaire francophone des TNO.

May 2010 YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHER MENTOR - Hay River NWT. Presented a digital photography workshop for young photographers under the auspices of **Web Address Removed** funded by BHP-Billiton and the NWT Arts Council.

August 2009 YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHER MENTOR - “Through Young Eyes” digital photography workshop for young photographers in Fort Laird NWT under the auspices of **Web Address Removed** funded by Fort Laird, BHP-Billiton and the NWT Arts Council. Photos and links here… **Web Address Removed**
Photo-spread published in the Deh Cho Drum newspaper may be seen here… **Web Address Removed**

2007 / 2008 WORKSHOPS - Conseil de développement économique des TNO / NWT Economic Development Council (CDETNO) Yellowknife & Hay River, NWT. I gave a series of workshops in both communities teaching the use of Photoshop, MS Publisher and MS Powerpoint. **Web Address Removed**

March 2008 YOUTH PHOTOGRAPHER MENTOR - Arctic Winter Games 2008 - Yellowknife NWT - The Arctic Winter Games Youth Photographer Project was developed to support the vision and presentation of the Arctic Winter Games as seen through the camera of four young photographers from the Northwest Territories. See **Web Address Removed**

September 2004 / June 2006 SUBSTITUTE TEACHER - PWK HIGH SCHOOL, Fort Smith, NWT (Part Time) **Web Address Removed**

October 2004 / June 2006 ENGLISH TUTOR - AURORA COLLEGE, Fort Smith NWT. Worked on a one to one basis with college level students tutoring them in written English. (Part Time)

Summer 2001 DIGITAL JOURNALISM TRAINER - Media Action International - Geneva, Switzerland. Created & presented a 12-day workshop (in country) on The use of e-mail and the internet for Rwandan journalists at the National University of Rwanda, Butare as part of a UNESCO journalism training project. (Presented bilingually to journalists who’s second language was English or French)

February 1999 / July 1999 TV PRODUCTION & JOURNALISM TRAINER - INUVIALUIT COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY - Inuvik, N.W.T. - Training TV staff at this First Nation's broadcaster for the Western Arctic in all aspects of production, journalism and management.

August 1990 / August 1992 LECTURER - COLLEGE OF THE BAHAMAS, Nassau, Bahamas, lecturing & hands on training of Journalism & Communications majors in Electronic News Gathering (ENG), Photojournalism, Business Communications and Introduction to Interpersonal & Small Group Communications.

February /March 1989 INSTRUCTOR - ARCTIC COLLEGE, Inuvik, N.W.T… video production & an animation / graphics workshop for the their students of media production.

1989 MEDIA PRODUCTION TRAINER - INUVIALUIT COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETY, Inuvik, N.W.T… Teaching all aspects of research, scripting, content and production.

August / October 1987 MEDIA PRODUCTION - TRAINER NEWS UNIT - TAQRAMIUT NIPINGAT INC… Kuujjuaq, Nunavik, Training a news production team in the operation of multi-camera studio & mobile production equipment.
February / May 1986 RADIO PRODUCTION TRAINER - TAQRAMIUT NIPINGAT INC… Salluit, Nunavik, Taught radio production; improvement of broadcast quality; acquisition of outside program material & management. **Web Address Removed**

June / August 1989 INSTRUCTOR AUDIO & VIDEO - APPEL FARM ARTS & MUSIC CENTRE, Elmer, New Jersey, U.S.A. Taught audio & video production. **Web Address Removed**

1985 PRESENTER - ANNENBERG SCHOOL FOR COMMUNICATION, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, United States of America at this meeting of the Visual Studies Conference I presented a paper on and video tapes of some of the work of the Inuit broadcasters of Canada. **Web Address Removed**

August 1981/ March 1982 MEDIA PRODUCTION & MANAGEMENT TRAINER - TAQRAMIUT NIPINGAT INC… Salluit, Nunavik. Taught all aspects of media production, scripting, construction and content & management at an Inuit owned and operated broadcast centre. **Web Address Removed**

September 1978 / February 1979 MANAGER & TRAINER OF VOLUNTEERS - ROGERS CABLE TV, Toronto, Ontario Taught all aspects of community TV production & managed the volunteer corps of Canada's largest access station.

July 1976 / June 1978 EDUCATIONAL MEDIA CONSULTANT & AUDIO VISUAL TECHNICIAN - CHATEAUGUAY VALLEY REGIONAL PROTESTANT SCHOOL BOARD Ormstown, Quèbec. Responsible for the day to day operations; the software, hardware & in allocation of capital equipment; maintenance & repair of all equipment; support services for about 125 high school and elementary school teachers & their students in this 6 school organization. **Web Address Removed**

July-1974 / August-1976 SENIOR AUDIO VISUAL TECHNICIAN - VANIER COLLEGE Snowdon Campus, Montrèal, Quèbec, Managed a multimedia production centre; created classroom audiovisuals & instructed the use & production of video super 8, audio and black & white photography. (This campus is now closed) **Web Address Removed**

1988 GUEST ARTIST-IN-RESIDENCE - VISUAL STUDIES WORKSHOP, Rochester, NY, USA, with a grant from the US and NY Endowments for the Arts for one month in residence at this postgraduate facility. The Visual Studies Workshop is committed to expanding the potential of the media arts, and their affect visual culture, through innovative programs in education, research, production and community service. **Web Address Removed**

September 1987 VISITING ARTIST - INTER-ACCESS, Toronto, Ontario, This computer art group invited me to present a 2 day workshop on digital animation with the Aniputer as part of FREEZE, 3 weeks of computers & video with the assistance of the Canada Council.

July 1987 VISITING ARTIST - EM MEDIA, Calgary, Alberta, a week long Aniputer workshop at this artist run video centre funded by the visiting artists program of the Canada Council. **Web Address Removed**

July 1987 VISITING ARTIST - FAVA (Film & Video Association) Edmonton, Alberta, a week long Aniputer workshop at this artist run video centre funded by the Visiting Artist Program of the Canada Council. **Web Address Removed**

April 1987 VISITING ARTIST - VIDEO POOL, Winnipeg, Manitoba, this four day digital animation workshop was funded by the Manitoba and Canada Councils. **Web Address Removed**

July 1986 GUEST ARTIST - STUDIO ART PROGRAM, The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta, a workshop for the art participants at this institution of higher education. **Web Address Removed**

July 1986 GUEST ARTIST - VIEWPOINTS ON ART AND TECHNOLOGY for the Inter-Arts Program of the Banff Centre. At the invitation of the program, I went to produce an installation for a performance called "Personal History." **Web Address Removed**

December 1985 VISITING ARTIST - SATELLITE VIDEO EXCHANGE SOCIETY Video Inn, Vancouver, British Columbia. A week long workshop at this artist run centre funded by the Canada Council. **Web Address Removed**

Internet Presence Training for Artists
Training for artists to set up and use free accounts on **Web Address Removed** , **Web Address Removed** and **Web Address Removed** **Web Address Removed** **Web Address Removed** and other social media, websites; blogs; social media management and public relations.; statistics and tracking; domain name registration. Staking a claim and brand protection in the lands and time of digital communications.
**Web Address Removed**

Introduction to Radio Journalism
A production course in how to use the microphone, audio tape & digital audio equipment. Also, how to edit audio, especially for use in broadcast journalism. Brief overview and history of electronic journalism and some issues of controversy.
**Web Address Removed**

Electronic News Gathering
A production course in how to use the hand-held video camera/recorder for Electronic News Gathering (E.N.G.). Also, how to edit video tape, especially for use in broadcast journalism. Brief overview and history of electronic journalism.
**Web Address Removed**

Focuses on developing the skill of using the still camera for careers in journalism, public relations and the print media in general.
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Introduction to Mass Communication
This course focuses on the role of Mass Communication in contemporary society and the relationships between the Social Sciences and the Mass Media.
**Web Address Removed**

Interpersonal Communications
This course is designed to help focus understanding on human communication behaviour and on basic principles of effective communication, useful in social settings and interactions.
**Web Address Removed**

Tutoring Approach:

One on one matched to cultural and linguistic reality of the student

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Native Language: English (American)
Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: Yes (✔ On File)


  • University of the Arctic/Aurora College (2018) - Circumpolar Studies (Bachelors) (✔ On File)
  • Banff Centre (1987) - VISUAL ARTS - STUDIO ART PROGRAM (Professional) (✔ On File)
  • Banff Centre (1985) - ADVANCED TV PRODUCTION - ELECTRONIC & FILM MEDIA (Professional) (✔ On File)
  • DAWSON COLLEGE (1973) - JOURNALISM / SOCIAL SCIENCE (College) (✘ Not On File)

Tags: Yellowknife English tutor, Yellowknife Art tutor, Yellowknife Computer Skills tutor, Yellowknife Secondary English tutor, Yellowknife College / University English tutor, Yellowknife Casual English tutor, Yellowknife Secondary Art tutor, Yellowknife College / University Art tutor, Yellowknife Casual Art tutor, Yellowknife Secondary Computer Skills tutor, Yellowknife College / University Computer Skills tutor, Yellowknife Casual Computer Skills tutor

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