This is how 13 referees rated Gene:

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Personal Description:
I'm an excellent English tutor because I can meet my students at the level they are at and build a good rapport with them as we track their progress. I like to provide students with a number of strategies they can use in academic situations. I can tutor students in English topics such as Comparative Literature, College English, and ESL. I can also help students prepare for the English sections of standardized tests.
Tutoring Experience:
I earned my bachelor's degree in Art. I have been studying with students in one-on-one and classroom settings for more than five years. I've demonstrated excellent results. As an English tutor, it's my goal to provide students with the tools they need to solve problems on their own in the future.
Tutoring Approach:
I believe that every tutoring lesson should provide the student with a new skill or strengthen an existing skill. Tutoring isn't just about helping students finishing work, but about providing them with the skills they need to finish their work. I like discovering what a new student is good at and what they are passionate about.
References Available: 13 (✘ Not On File)