This is how 26 referees rated Evan:

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Personal Description:
I have about eight years of experience as a physics tutor, which has been the most significant and exhilarating thing I've done. I enjoy helping my students grow as independent learners. I don't just give answers to students. Instead, I ask them questions that guide them to the solution using the information they have already learned.
Tutoring Experience:
I earned my bachelor's degree with a double major in Physics and Chemistry, along with a minor in Mathematics. I'm now studying for my master's degree. I have been a Teaching Assistant for almost four years working with students in Physics labs.
Tutoring Approach:
The first thing I do with a new student is identify the areas of physics they are struggling with or don't yet understand. Then we will talk about problem-solving strategies that work. I also discuss their goals in the subject, look at past assessments that they had problems with, and set up a plan to move forward from where they are at.
References Available: 26 (✘ Not On File)