This is how 13 referees rated Emily Ann:
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Personal Description:
I work with elementary, middle, high school, and college students as a study skills and essay writing tutor for a variety of different subject areas and in preparation for a diverse array of exams. Some of the exams I can help students prepare for include the GRE, ISEE, ACT, GED, and COMPASS. I'm additionally able to help students with their core coursework in reading, math, science, and writing.
Tutoring Experience:
I earned my undergraduate degree in elementary education and my graduate degree in leadership in learning organizations. I'm a certified teacher with experience teaching and tutoring a wide variety of students in diverse subject areas. I have an extensive instructional and motivational toolkit that allows me to effectively work with many different styles of learners.
Tutoring Approach:
I'm a strong proponent of the Montessori approach to education. In this philosophy, students are regarded as independent learners who can be successful when provided with appropria**Contact Detail Removed**arning tools and academic support.
References Available: 13 (✘ Not On File)