This is how 31 referees rated Daniel:
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Personal Description:
My first move as a chemistry tutor is always to get to know my student. Every student struggles in different areas, so it's important for me to understand exactly what they need before I create a personalized study plan to help them reach for their goals. My favorite subjects to teach are chemistry and calculus because I have a lot of experience using them every day. I have excellent verbal and written communication skills, so I can forge meaningful rapports with students of all backgrounds.
Tutoring Experience:
I have three years of experience tutoring general chemistry students. I graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in Chemistry back in 2015. I am currently pursuing a Master's in Chemical Engineering.
Tutoring Approach:
I believe that students need breaks to recharge their mental batteries and to act as an incentive for completing challenging practice problems, so I don't believe in working pupils to the point of exhaustion.
References Available: 31 (✘ Not On File)