This is how 36 referees rated Courteney:

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Personal Description:
I grew up as a military brat, moving 18 times before graduating college. As such, I was exposed to people of multiple backgrounds and educational systems that I can incorporate as a tutor. I ultimately joined the armed forces myself, working with all kinds of different people. I am highly adaptive and passionate about the subjects I teach, making me a great choice if you want to learn Portuguese.
Tutoring Experience:
I started tutoring when in college, assisting my fellow students in subjects such as Portuguese, general essay editing, and composition. I studied in Rio de Janeiro at Brazil's Military Engineering Institute in 2010, teaching English as a second language while I was there.
Tutoring Approach:
Writing and reading comprehension are fundamental skills in scholastic settings, but they also facilitate connections with other people and enable what I like to call "vacations of the mind." Therefore, I emphasize these skills as a Portuguese tutor.
References Available: 36 (✘ Not On File)