This is how 2 referees rated Cody:
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Personal Description:
ONLINE GOOGLE MEET, ZOOM or SKYPE TUTOR! (E- Learning tutor experience). I am a teacher at McNaughton Ave Public School. I teach grade 7/8 homeroom. I am a graduate in Bachelor of Human Kinetics (kinesiology) honours studies, Bachelor of Education honours studies. OCT accredited with qualifications in Special Education Part 1 and Part 2. I am currently obtaining my mathematics qualifications and am able to bring fun interactive games for math learning.
Caring words last longer and with being special education certified, I enjoying individuals for who they are and take them to the next steps. Lastly, I have devoted much of my time to extra curriculars and volunteer coaching during my undergraduate studies and still actively involved. In being an educator, consistently being involved with extra curricular in a passion of mine. Coaching and creating essential life skills go hand in hand in physical and cognitive development.
Tutoring Experience:
Tutor Experience:
I have 7 years of tutoring experience in the Chatham- Kent / Windsor area. Working with those who are in need for extra help and to ultimately develop skills that can be translated to the classroom and the real world. Teaching social and personal responsibility is also emphasized.
Teaching practicing experience:
- Ridgetown District Highschool - Grade 10 applied science, foods and NAC / AVI arts.
- McNaughton Ave Elementary - Grade 7/8 (2019)
- McNaughton Ave Elementary (November - December 2016): Rotary Physical Education
- McNaughton Ave Elementary (March - April 2017):
Grade 4/5 homeroom
-McNaughton Ave Elementary (November - December 2017) : Grade 7/8 homeroom
- Gregory Drive Public School (March - April 2018):
Grade 5/6 homeroom
- Senior Coordinator and counsellor at Community Housing Corporation. (2016-2017). Leading, planning and communicating with those involved. Underprivileged youth summer camps.
Tutoring Approach:
An effective and efficient approach to tutoring can be fostering confidence and competence. Creating a sense of trust and good relations is essential in furthering ones development. Assessment will be done though activities and small tasks that are enjoyable. Listening and letting a child's voice be heard and values can go along ways in recognizing strengths and areas of growth. The use of fast paced and slow paced activities is key in individualizing tasks to a specific student. Implementing multi-media tools for cognitive development is necessary in growth. Encouraging students to push their boundaries and to challenge themselves with creative strategies. Finally, feedback is critical in the students progression, as well as creating a baseline foundation to grow from.
Tutor Resources: (free to download)
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Additional Languages: French
Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: Yes (✔ On File)
- University of Windsor (2020) - Special Education Part 1 and Part 2 (Professional) (✔ On File)
- Uwindsor (2018) - Ontario Certified Teachers (applicant) (Other) (✔ On File)
- Univeristy of Windsor (2018) - Bachelor of Education - honours (Bachelors) (✔ On File)
- Univeristy of Windsor (2016) - Bachelor of Human Kinetics (kinesiology) - honours (Bachelors) (✔ On File)