This is how 12 referees rated Claire:
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Personal Description:
Students learn at different paces, and I have firsthand experience grasping concepts immediately and struggling to catch up to my peers. I caught the teaching bug about three years ago because I love to inspire students to set ambitious goals and do whatever it takes to achieve them. If your student needs help understanding word problems, determining whether shapes are congruent, or studying for an exam in Algebra 3/4, I'm the math tutor for you!
Tutoring Experience:
I began my tutoring career as a high school student, but I didn't realize just how much I enjoyed teaching until I started teaching music classes. Now, I hold my bachelor's degree, but I still live for that "Aha!" moment where you can see that it's finally clicked on a student's face.
Tutoring Approach:
I am a patient and understanding tutor who can be firm when the situation demands it. I always emphasize the practical applications of whatever I'm teaching and look to incorporate games wherever possible to make learning more fun.
References Available: 12 (✘ Not On File)