This is how 7 referees rated Chris:

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Personal Description:
I'm an excellent physics tutor because of my comprehensive background knowledge of the subject. I like to teach my students the history of each physics theory so they can truly comprehend it, including its limitations, instead of just memorizing formulas for a plug-and-chug attitude. This helps during tests because there may be more than one formula that can apply to a question.
Tutoring Experience:
I earned my bachelor's degree in Chemistry and went on to earn my master's degree, also in Chemistry. I'm available as a physics tutor for both high school and college students including classes in Newtonian Physics and Quantum Physics.
Tutoring Approach:
I find it equally important to boost my students' knowledge of physics and to help them improve their problem-solving abilities. A true understanding of the subject is the only way they will be able to succeed when there is more than one strategy that may apply to a particular problem.
References Available: 7 (✘ Not On File)