This is how 20 referees rated Chandima:

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Personal Description:
Having an understanding of how the business world functions is very important for students who want to have successful business careers. I am a business tutor because I want to help students succeed in their studies and be prepared for after they graduate and seek employment. Identifying trends and comparing different business models between companies are crucial skills that I can help people develop.
Tutoring Experience:
I received both bachelor's degree and my master's in accounting, so I am intimately familiar with key business concepts and handling the mathematics of keep track of revenue and expenses and everything that goes on in a business. I can tutor people in high school accounting, high school business courses, as well as Microsoft Excel, and general business topics.
Tutoring Approach:
It is very important to get things right in the business world, so I am a strong believer that you need to hone your skills until they are perfect through repetition. Once you are sufficiently familiar with a subject, then you will be able to get things right every time.
References Available: 20 (✘ Not On File)