This is how 30 referees rated Brett:
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Personal Description:
I enjoy working with students on a 1-on-1 level as they work through writing assignments for their coursework, regardless of their grade level. I can critique their efforts, provide valuable insight, and encourage their progress. Through regular success, any student can develop strong written communication skills. Together, we can build a solid foundation for English.
Tutoring Experience:
I first obtained a bachelor's degree in Business Studies. I later pursued a master's in Education. I have five years of experience as an English tutor, particularly to local families in my area. Private instruction allowed me to develop solid teaching skills to support students at a variety of levels.
Tutoring Approach:
Using a diagnostic test, I can measure a student's skill levels. I also take the time to get to know their attitude towards learning. As students become more successful, they grow confident which often results in a more positive experience. I try to find ways to bring real-world connections to the concepts and skills that we are studying.
References Available: 30 (✘ Not On File)