This is how 30 referees rated Alex:

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Personal Description:
My goal as a physics tutor is to make sure that students understand everything they need to for their chosen field. I have mastered numerous STEM concepts including physics and mathematics and am always willing to fill in any educational gaps students are dealing with. I also connect with people easily, helping students feel comfortable. I welcome questions at nearly any time and am truly dedicated to helping my students succeed. I see a lot of value in helping other people and am looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Tutoring Experience:
I have prior experience tutoring mathematics both for a large company and in less formal settings. I am currently an undergrad student and I am majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics.
Tutoring Approach:
I like to start with the basics so that my student has the fundamentals down cold. Physics is a cumulative subject, so you really can't start with the most advanced topics.
References Available: 30 (✘ Not On File)