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Information About Philip
Gatineau tutorPersonal Description:
I am a senior fellow at the **Removed By Admin**. Before that was the Gordon F. Henderson Post-doctoral Fellow (2016-2017) at the Human Rights Research and Education Centre at the University of Ottawa.
I am a highly adaptable writer and editor, with a wide array of interests and experience of learning new topics rapidly and to a very high standard.
For the most part, my previous writing experience has focused in the areas of political science and international political economy.
My own research writing experience is extensive. I have published three books, seven-peer reviewed journal articles, six book chapters and more than 40 editorials for Canadian and international media outlets, such as CBC, The Hill Times, The National Post, The Guardian, The Independent, Open Democracy and Stratfor. A full list of my publications is available online at **Web Address Removed**
Tutoring Experience:
I have 7 years of teaching experience designing and leading courses in International Relations and politics.
I have taught at both graduate and undergradua**Contact Detail Removed**vels at the Universities of New Brunswick, Liverpool, Plymouth and Exeter.
According to student feedback forms 90% of my students agree that I “explain difficult concepts clearly”, provide “a positive learning experience” and I have consistently scored above 80% student satisfaction on all my courses.
Tutoring Approach:
I believe that excellence in teaching rests on three pillars: high quality academic material, enthusiasm for the subject and an environment of sincere and mutual respect between lecturer and students.
Building on these my broader pedagogical aim is to help students develop their skills as independent researchers so that they may continue to explore the deeper questions beyond the confines of our tutoring relationship.
Beyond the subject-specific goals, my tutoring is intended to enable students to hone their skills in:
• Finding, using and analysing secondary and primary data relevant to specific issue areas;
• Placing contemporary issues in larger contexts; and
• Deploying critical arguments in analysing issues and evaluating sources with a pay-off in improved technical essay writing skills and greater confidence in terms of public presentations.
Students are always also encouraged to look beyond the obvious and engage their own capacities for reason, analysis and judgement. The course will adopt a strongly inclusive approach based on two core tenets:
• Students should always feel free to ask any question, in class or in office hours (it is always better to ask for help rather than struggle in silence)
• Students should be commended for innovative or intellectually adventurous approaches to the topic, and should be provided with appropriate support and supervision
Tutor Resources: (free to download)
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Availability: Weekends / Weekdays (all times)
References Available: No (✘ Not On File)
- Exeter University (2013) - International Relations (Doctorate) (✘ Not On File)