Law Tutors
First Tutors’ tutor search helps you locate quality Law tutors across the Australia.
Meet some of our Law Tutors
Levels We Offer For Law Tuition: High School Law, College Law, University Law, Casual Law
Hailey's feedback about Walter (University Law tuition near Canberra)
Walter is an excellent tutor. He has excellent and incredibly prompt communication. He is extremely knowledgeable and was able to explain concepts I was struggling with in a very easy to understand way. His guidance and support truly helped me. I would have no hesitation to ask Walter for guidance in the future.
Michaela's feedback about Stephen (University Law tuition near Capalaba)
I reached out for some help because I felt very overwhelmed and unsure leading up to an exam. Stephen was extremely accommodating and was able to answer all of my questions in a way that made me have a better understanding of the topics I was having trouble with. I don't know how to express my appreciation for the help he provided me, but I would 100% recommend him to anyone looking for a tutor.
Ajay's feedback about Diksha (University Law tuition near Alice Springs)
Excellent Tutor with genuine fee.
Amina's feedback about Stephen (University Law tuition near Springfield)
He was the best tutor I had and was so helpful.
Nafiye's feedback about Rose (University Law tuition near Broadmeadows)
Sorry guys, it’s my mistake and she has replied to me. So awesome tutor that got back to me very quickly. Highly recommend.
Charlie's feedback about Michael (University Law tuition near Melbourne)
Extremely helpful and knew what he was talking about, especially on such short notice. Helped me achieved a high mark. A real legit tutor.
Ally's feedback about Jason (University Law tuition near Paddington)
Jason was super helpful, he was really patient with me and obviously put a lot of effort into researching the assessment topic I needed help with before our tutoring session! He was really well organised and listened to me so he could help me with exactly what I needed. Thank you so much!
Jenny's feedback about Teresa (University Law tuition near Seaton)
Defiantly recommend her to family as friends, if there was higher than 5 I would have rated even higher. Words can’t express how talented her tutoring skills and knowledge are. Professional and straight to the point, does not waste one minute and always has the best interests for her students. Passion with a capital P in what she does and I’m happy to have come across such an honest and genuine person like her.
Peter's feedback about Teresa (University Law tuition near Burnie)
Teresa is an excellent tutor, recommended her highly.
Lowest Price Law Tutors
Fastest Responding Law Tutors
Joined: 01/10/2023 | Av. Price: $61.18 p.h.
Maths, English, Law, Physics
Bachelors: Laws (Honours) (2002)Brian
Joined: 11/10/2021 | Av. Price: $64.09 p.h.
Business, Law, Study Skills / Essay Writing
Masters: Master of Business Administration (2004)Michael
Joined: 03/05/2019 | Av. Price: $50.00 p.h.
Bachelors: Bachelor of Laws with Honours (2018)
Highest Rated Law Tutors
Newest Law Tutors
Joined: 28/11/2024 | Av. Price: $50.00 p.h.
Bachelors: Bachelor of Laws (2015)Angela
Joined: 01/10/2023 | Av. Price: $61.18 p.h.
Maths, English, Law, Physics
Bachelors: Laws (Honours) (2002)Andrew
Joined: 28/05/2023 | Av. Price: $100.00 p.h.
English, Business, Law, Economics
Bachelors: Arts (2011)
Featured Law Tutors
Joined: 11/10/2021 | Av. Price: $64.09 p.h.
Business, Law, Study Skills / Essay Writing
Masters: Master of Business Administration (2004)Cynthia
Joined: 01/03/2020 | Av. Price: $61.43 p.h.
Maths, English, Business, Law
Masters: Teaching (2020)Rachel
Joined: 03/02/2018 | Av. Price: $100.00 p.h.
Business, Law
Masters: Teaching (Secondary; Pro-Vice Chancellor Award) (2012)
Why choose First Tutors: Australia for your Law tutor search Australia?
One search is all that is required to generate for you a selection of reliable Law tutors who match your entered requirements, arranged by their tutoring rates and proximity to you. Law can be a challenging subject to get to grips with, but a Law tutor can really make a difference!
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